Port Colborne annual Kids Fishing Derby

Kids Fishing Derby

The Port Colborne Optimist Club recently took on the challenge of running the annual Kids Fishing Derby, a Fathers’ Day tradition started by the Conservation Club many years ago.

Each year hundreds of children aged from 3 to 13 join their parents and guardians for a fun Fathers Day morning of catch-and-release fishing. Everyone gets a bucket and some worms. Everyone that catches a fish takes home a prize donated by our incredibly generous sponsors.

The three kids that catch the biggest fish earn trophies and bragging rights.

After the fishing is done, we eat. Free hotdogs for lunch to all that came out, as well as drinks and snacks for those that want them. Then on to the prize draws. We hand out dozens of prizes drawn from the registration forms, all of which go into the tombola. Everyone has an equal chance to win prizes from fishing gear to brand new bicycles. Did I mention how generous our sponsors were?

This event is going from strength to strength. Since we took it on, more kids have entered each year. And that means we need more members in our ranks to manage and organize things, as well as volunteers to help on the day. So if this event sounds like something you want to get involved with, follow the link to find out more and join us.

But first, look at these photos and see for yourself all the fun we have.