The Port Colborne Optimist Club played host recently to Optimist Club leaders and members from Zone 1, comprised of the six clubs within the Niagara Peninsula.
The Governor Elect travelled here all the way from Cornwall, over 600km, perhaps a testament to the quality of the food laid on for zone meetings here in Port Colborne. We put on a good spread featuring Chicken Cacciatore, side salad, and a tasty lemon-flavoured dessert. Your author doesn’t mind admitting he went back for seconds.
Optimist Club Zone meetings feature update reports from Club presidents. They foster the exchange of news and information. We trade ideas, discuss fundraising strategies, and inter-club volunteer opportunities. For example, at this meeting we discussed the upcoming 2024 Optimist International Convention which will be held at the Sheraton in Niagara Falls.
It’s still over a year away. But International events (this convention attracts global attendance, having it here in the falls is a big deal) take a lot of logistics and planning. A lot of volunteers. It takes a village. More accurately, roughly the population of a small town. No problem. Teamwork. Optimist Clubs around the world are made of volunteers working together make the world a better place. We absolutely got this. It’s what we do.
Optimism. It’s a choice that can make a real difference in the real world. Join us.

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