New swing accommodates those with mobility issues and accessibility needs
Port Colborne Leader
James Culic

There’s nothing the Port Colborne Optimist Club loves more than doing something for local kids, so the group jumped at the chance to bring accessible fun to Sunset Park.
“We’re all about the kids,” said club president Janet Pilon. “So when we heard about this opportunity to partner up with the city, we really went for it.”
The city recently renovated the playground equipment at Sunset Park in the city’s west end, but in doing so, the swings were removed. This didn’t sit well with local parks users.
“We had a public meeting to get feedback, and the number one thing people asked for was swings,” said Mike Audit, the city’s supervisor of parks. “People were disappointed to see the swings gone, and there was a real push to get them back.”
Unfortunately, the parks budget had already been set for the year, meaning the installation of new swings would have had to wait. That’s when the Port Colborne Optimist Club stepped in.
The club even took things one step further, and came through with a donation that ensured one of the swings was the new accessible variety, which can be used to safely and securely swing someone who has mobility issues or other accessibility needs.
According to Audit, making city parks more accessible and friendly to children of all needs is a big priority for the city, and all new parks in future will include accessible swings.
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